Valentine’s Day Inspired Works

Roses in White Jug 6x8.jpg

Just like I mention that Spring is my favorite season, I must mention that Valentine’s Day is my favorite Holiday. So, the work I created at the end of January was with Valentine’s Day in mind.

My goodness, are you going outside to stare at your bulbs that are just starting to stretch out above ground as well? At times, I am headed off to work and I find myself standing and staring at the little green signs of pretty tulips, daffodils of all kinds and alliums that are to come, before I realize that I’ve been standing there way too much time has gone by.

I’m sure you, too have those plants you can’t wait to see again after their long slumber, much like old friends. Aside from all the bulbs, old and new, I look forward to the roses doing their thing again.

I wish you a lovely Sunday.



Carolina Elizabeth

Carolina Elizabeth is an Oklahoma artist who creates oil paintings, particularly floral still life, ceramics, and artwork in many other mediums. Her work can been purchased directly from the artist on her website:

Carolina’s work has been featured in Victoria Magazine and Romantic Homes Magazine.

Aside from creating art, Carolina Elizabeth shares her potager garden, chicken and beekeeping ventures on her blog

Happy Valentine’s Day


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