Making Things with Your Hands

Hello dear friend.

The whole “artist” title thing still makes me uncomfortable. Yes, one day I will have to address this imposter syndrome that plays with my mind. For now, let’s focus on the absolute jubilation that comes from making things with your hand. The love of creating things has been the root of my being. Although painting is at the core, it is the desire, that tug of my heart string, that makes me create something, were it of clay, silver, fabric, or on canvas.

In the last few years, I’ve focused on painting and have put metalsmithing, stained-glass art and clay in the backburner. But I crave that aspect of tactility, mostly I’ve missed the molding of earth with my hands. It’s difficult to say what it is about this art form that so touches my heart and calls to me so loudly. Is it that it seems more like alchemy than any of the other mediums I’ve worked with? Or its anthropological aspects which makes me feel connected to peoples from thousands of years ago, including the Mayas whose blood runs through my veins? I think it may be all of these and the feeling of being a kid and making mud pies that draw me back to pottery.

I’m not ready to show anyone what I have done yet, but let me say that the turning on of the wheel and the feel of clay going through my hands, along with the smell of a kiln running brought happy tears to my face. That first scent of clay hardening and the glow coming from the kiln warmed my heart and made me feel like I was home again.

Meanwhile my painting journey continues. Here are some of the paintings I’ve been working on which I’ve been experimenting with using a palette knife more in order to express more texture, some tactile and some a bit to fool the eye.

Thank you again for being so kind to me.


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Carolina Elizabeth

Carolina Elizabeth is an Oklahoma artist who creates oil paintings, particularly floral still life, ceramics, and artwork in many other mediums. Her work can been purchased directly from the artist on her website:

Carolina’s work has been featured in Victoria Magazine and Romantic Homes Magazine.

Aside from creating art, Carolina Elizabeth shares her potager garden, chicken and beekeeping ventures on her blog

A Welcome Change is Ahead.


Spring Birds and New Works