Marking the Seasons
What marks your seasons? Recently I was watching You’ve Got Mail (yes, again) and heard Tom Hank’s character, Joe, mention that desire to purchase school supplies arise as the leaves fall.
This is the second year since my childhood in which I have not had the Fall marked by the purchasing of school supplies. The season has been ushered by my parents who filling my little papier-mâché pencil box from TG&Y with No.2 pencils, crayons and erasers, later taking my daughters to choose all the little things that made them (and still do) excited about the start of a new year, and in the years of teaching purchasing items to help get my classroom ready with all the things my students and I might need for the year.
I still get a bit excited about the thought of a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils, but it’s now about Fall planting and sowing hardy annuals, and yes, all the pumpkin things. What marks Fall for you?
Seeing that we are still in summer, I hope that it has been a fabulous one for you and that you are looking forward to the Fall.