Painting, Growing and Potting

I’m not sure how many times a day I stop by my seedlings to see how much they’ve grown! No matter how many times I’ve sown seeds, the process seems like magic every single time.

Meanwhile outside, the fence is going up soon and I cannot wait. A couple of weeks ago, when it had snowed about 8 inches, I stepped to see the yard looking pretty. My jaw dropped to see deer tracks that showed that they had crossed the entire yard and dashed directly towards my roses, making sure that they did not miss a nibble or two from each and every one of the poor rose bushes. So, a fence is crucial at this point.

As far as potting goes: I want to say thank you. Your support last month allowed me to purchase some pottery tools and start setting up a small pottery studio in the garage. I better explain:

I’ve always liked old things. When I was in high school, I was talking to a friend’s mom and she said “child, you have an old soul!” I’m drawing to things that tell a story of things past and the things people use in the everyday are perfect story tellers. This leads us to the potting part. A while back, as I was going through a book of Dutch paintings, I saw the painting of an interior which had a small white jug on the floor. I thought, that would be so fun to paint. Since then I’ve been keeping sketches of vases from 16th and 17th century paintings in order to make them so that I could use them as painting props. Now, it’s time to make them. Eventually I would like to make the vases available for purchase. Having gone to college for sculpture, I’ve missed working with clay so much, so the excitement has been building.

An electrician still has to come fix the wiring so that I can plug the kiln and then I have to save a little more to purchase a potter’s wheel. So, it might have to wait a bit more, but the wheels are moving and it fills me with so much joy (and a bit of nerves).

So, thank you so much for your enormous support. So many of you have been part of my creative journey for years and I cannot thank you enough.

I wish you all well.


Carolina Elizabeth

Carolina Elizabeth is an Oklahoma artist who creates oil paintings, particularly floral still life, ceramics, and artwork in many other mediums. Her work can been purchased directly from the artist on her website:

Carolina’s work has been featured in Victoria Magazine and Romantic Homes Magazine.

Aside from creating art, Carolina Elizabeth shares her potager garden, chicken and beekeeping ventures on her blog

More Painting, Digging and Potting


February Sale and Talking Hygge